Imprint / Legal Information

KarkClassics GmbH
GWG Heiddamm
28355 Bremen
Phone: 0049
Fax: 0049 0421-67326273

VAT ID No. pursuant to Section 27 (a) of the German Value Added Tax Act (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer): DE-235-701-722


The provisions of German law apply.

Data Protection

We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and adhere strictly to the provisions of German data protection legislation.

Anonymous Data Collection

Basically, you may visit this website without telling us who you are. Information is stored in the server log files of our internet service provider (ISP) which is transmitted by your browser. This information is: the type & version of your browser, the operating system used, the referrer URL (i.e. the site you have visited before this one), the host name of the accessing computer (IP address) and the time of the server enquiry. We also store the IP address for our counter function so that your visit is only counted once a day. These data cannot be tracked by us to specific persons. These data are not collated with other data sources; this means that, as an individual user, you remain anonymous.

Collecting and Processing Personal Data

Personal data is only collected when you provide us with the relevant information, for example, when you are concluding a contract. Your personal data is used solely to process your enquiry or order and is stored in machine-readable form and mechanically processed. Under the terms of Section 3, Subsection 1 of the German Data Protection Act (BDSG), personal data is defined as “individual items of information concerning the personal or neutral situation of a certain or determinable natural person (the affected party)”.

Use and Transmission of Personal Data

The personal data collected on this website will only be used without your consent to process contracts and your enquiries; otherwise, the information will not be passed on to third parties. Your personal data will not be sold or lent. You may, of course, withdraw your consent for such processing with future effect at any time.
You have the right to have your information deleted at any time. You may object to any transmission or use of your personal data at any time.

External Links

For your optimal information you will find links on this page that refer to sites belonging to third parties. If such links are not immediately or clearly recognisable, we hereby draw your attention to the fact that these are external links. We have no influence of any kind on these sites of other providers – other, individual operators are liable for these websites. The guarantees given in our data protection declaration do not, of course, apply on these external sites.

When first establishing a connection to these external links, we checked their content in order to determine whether they contained any violations of the law. At that time no such violations were visible. Establishing external inks does not mean that such external content behind the reference or link becomes our own content. We cannot be reasonably expected to permanently monitor these external links unless we are given actual information concerning breaches of the law. If we receive information concerning such breaches, however, such links will be deleted immediately.

Right to Access Personal Data

You are entitled to be informed at any time about personal data in connection with your person which is stored, its origins, who it was sent to and the reason why it was processed. You can obtain information on this data by sending an e-mail to us.

Photos (c)

altes wappen mit löwe © fotoflash #3970196
car on the street © kammetob #198678
Ahnenforschung 1 © Anhees #17324925
kleiner Autofahrer © cs-photo #21093323